To the one who made me a Mother, I cannot express how much I want to thank you.
For stepping into my life and transforming me completely. I never imagined that I would care for someone else as deeply as I care for myself, but here you are, gracing me with that beautiful smile of yours.
It makes me wonder: how did I become so blessed to be called your Mom?
Thank you for all the sleepless nights.
Thank you for the pure joy and the sweet sound of your voice calling out “Mama…”
Thank you for constantly seeking me out and choosing me as your safe harbor.
They say being a mom to a son is a precious gift from above, a way for us to understand the boundless love we may have missed in our early days.
And yes, I think it’s true. I haven’t felt the warmth of a father’s love, and yet, here we are, you and me, building a love so powerful it fills every corner of our existence.
Thank you, my Levi and Hunter. Mommy loves you both so much.