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ParenthoodMotherhoodPostpartum Life Update 2024

Postpartum Life Update 2024

A lot has happened after our newborn, Hunter, was delivered via c-section.

Of course, I was happy but I feel like something was wrong with me. I was so irritable, moody, and I would just cry silently over silly things like my husband forgot to kiss me goodnight because he was busy making milk for our newborn.

Five days after, the start of my grueling health journey happened. I was rushed to the emergency room because of high blood pressure. Yes, I was diagnosed with severe post pre-eclampsia.

It was something that I would really not want to feel and remember again. The highest blood pressure that was recorded was 160/100. Also, although I was treated with magnesium (this was so hot, I can’t explain further! Lol) in this particular hospital in Imus, Cavite, they did not want to admit me because I didn’t give birth there.

Even if we somehow asked and pleaded, they really can’t admit me.

So off we went to Ortigas Hospital and Health Center. Good thing this happened at night time and there little to no traffic. I think we arrived at the hospital after 1 and a half hour.

I can say now that this is my favorite hospital among all hospitals that I’ve been to. Nurses and doctors are so great and my room then was clean.

Anyway, we stayed for 4 days and was treated with magnesium drips again and amlodipine as well. During the first days, my blood pressure didn’t go down. I was so worried and sad again for my kids. I also had a realization that I still don’t want to die. I want to live and be with my family.

Two weeks after, Hunter, my newborn, was feeling under the weather. I knew it. Mommy instinct, as they say.

We quickly went to another hospital here in Imus and was admitted for pneumonia and later on, Covid-19. My poor boy suffered so hard in this hospital. And we will never go back to this hospital in Imus. If I can only write the name here, I would.

Since my son was Covid positive, he was admitted in the ICU of the hospital. And no one can replace me, so I was literally sleeping for 1 hour max everyday. I was devastated, I can’t feel any hunger, and I can’t even feel that I was sleepy. But still, we were so happy that Hunter was released after 5 days in the hospital.

A month after Hunter’s birth, still with little sleep, I feel that something is wrong, and when I checked my BP, I was surprised that it was high.

We went again to the hospital and was advised to take amlodipine and get my blood work done. A day passed and results were up. My cholesterol levels are high, specially the LDL.

I was so scared that I search on ways to lower it down. I ate veggies and fruits. Little to no white rice and then shifted to brown rice. I was so determined to be healthy and loose weight. I think the best part is that my husband and I have the same goal – to be healthy for ourselves and our kids.

From June 2024, I lost count already the number of times that I go to the Emergency Room. It was scary but I really want to know what causing the spike in my blood pressure.

We also had an executive check up from our Medicard Family Account. My cholesterol levels went down but I was diagnosed with gallbladder adenomyomatosis, mild fatty liver, and high uric acid. So again, I ate healthy food and totally forget about fast food, sugar, and salt.

I did so many tests like 2d Echo, tread mill stress test, countless blood works, and many more. Thank God, my 2D Echo and tread mill stress test are normal.

August 2 came and we were on our way to my niece’s birthday party in Laguna. We were driving at night and the lights were so bright that I felt dizzy. I remember that I have my automatic blood pressure monitor with me so I got it and checked my BP. the highest was a whooping 172/140. That made me panicked and we went again to the emergency room of Calamba Medical Center.

After that event, I knew I have to talk to an expert so we scheduled a visit to the famous Cardio in St. Luke’s BGC. This Doctor was recommended by a Mommy in a Facebook Group called Glam-o-mamas. I asked if they know a cardio who can explain my condition since I really want answers.

August 5, 2024 came and we headed to St. Luke’s BGC. Can I just say here that the parking area was just soooo difficult that we ended up with valet. Best decision though but it was our first time. Haha!

Dr. Jeffery De Jesus, Cardion of St. Luke’s BGC is a very straightforward doctor. He answered all my questions and he was very sure that I have no hypertension already. He told me to get off amlodipine and to go back to him after a week so he can check my blood pressure. He also told us to stop checking my blood pressure using automatic blood pressure monitor!

Today is August 8, 2024, day 3 of not taking amlodipine. I still feel lightheaded and dizzy. But I think it’s because of me not eating a lot? I don’t know. Or maybe because of my TMJ? Haha!

Anyway, I am so excited for Monday to arrive so we can go and get checked again. Hoping I am not really hypertensive! Sharing to you all my weight journey too!

Start Weight: 67kgs (after c-section)
Current Weight: 53kgs (Good job, Mommy Pia!)


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