Hello there!
One of my main goals in having this blog site is for us to document our life as a family — while destressing too. Haha! Life really took a toll on my health (physical and emotional) ever since I stopped writing and focused my all in our business.
So now, here are my 2024 blogging goals!
- Blog Post Once a Week
- Evergreen Content once a month
- Don’t delete blogs, please!
- Enjoy writing again
So this year, I am lowering down my expectations in blogging.
First, I just want to be consistent in posting anything once a week about our travels, new playgrounds, and anything that I want to blog.
Second is I want to create evergreen content once a month. Yes, once a month. I don’t wanna pressure myself in creating content.
Third, do not delete blogs, ever! I have this habit of deleting blogs if I feel like I overshared or something. This has to stop so I added it in my blogging goals. Haha!
Fourth is to of course, enjoy writing again. I was once pressured in writing that I eventually stopped. Lol. Biggest regret because all of my content/blogs got deleted since I wasn’t able to check it from time to time.